Thanks to Gordon Barnes For This 1968 Kwaj Survey Document


Thanks to Pete Kohler For These 1965 Pago Pago Photos


Thanks to Jim Woodman For This Christmas 1964 Menu


Thanks to David Stufflebeam and John Redmond for these Eniwetok Pictures




Thanks to Gerry Guay for these operation REDWING Pictures

Thanks to Dewey Gerlach for these Marshall Islands Pictures


Thanks to Dewey Gerlach for these Marshall Islands Pictures

Click to open 1964 Eniwetok TDY Order



Thanks to Jerry Saieg and Terry Gust for these pictures

Diving for Killer Clams Armed Forces Radio Studio, Enewetok Aerial view of the base on Enewetok Pago Pago, American Samoa

Thanks to George Tamanini, Jerry Wheeler, Dewey Gerlach, and Earl Mahoney for these Kwajalein Pix


New Years Eve, 1959 RB-50F Propeller Change RB-50F Propeller and Engine Change


AST # 9, Kwajalien Atoll, Marshall Islands(Pacific), MAJ John Booher, Commander A/1C Jerry Wheeler istalling new prop control conduit Aerial view of Kwajalien Atoll C-54 on final approach to Kwajalien runway Aerial view of Kwajalien base housing RB-50F 'Boo's Crew' buzzes AST#9 support LST

1370th personnel rebuilt this bus salvaged from US Navy junk yard. A/1C Jerry Wheeler, looking for parts. A/2C Sam Pancake-Sheet Metal, and A/1C Jerry Wheeler-Prop Maint. SSGT J.A. Judd-Instrument Repair, and A/1C Jerry Wheeler-Prop Maint., checking parts in Fly-Away Kit. Navy LST used by 1370th to support ground HIRAN stations Earl Mahoney and Kessinger?

Taongi Atoll-Louie and Clayton Fifield Taongi Atoll-Louie and Earl 'Nick' Nicholas and Earl Taongi Atoll-Louie doing laundry Taongi Atoll-Louie and Earl Taongi Atoll-Louie and Clayton Fifield


5 NEW Tarawa Pix By Dewey Gerlach


Thanks to Hank Silvia for the pictures, and Dirk Spenneman for the maps

 MSGT Conway making shark line floats Hank Silvia at the signpost Navy HUP-1 leaving Harris County (LST-822) Harris County (LST-822) approaching Ujae Atoll Offloading supplies from Harris County (LST-822)on the reef at Ujae Atoll The Ujae Hilton :)

Map of Marshall Islands Ujae Atoll Info Ujae Atoll Map Former Names-Ujae Atoll